WA ‘ill prepared to handle big oil spill’
Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 Latest news by adminThe Australian Conservation Foundation has warned Western Australia is ill prepared to cope with oil leaks the size of the current Montara spill off the state’s north-west coast.
The foundation is demanding a moratorium on oil and gas development in WA until the state is better equipped to deal with spills.
This week, the Federal Government signalled its intention to create a number of marine parks between Shark Bay and the East Kimberley.
The foundation’s Don Henry says all oil and gas mining should halt until the Commonwealth decides which areas will be protected.
“Oil spill recovery operations and the capacity for them is increased here in the Kimberley, so there needs to be more equipment, a more rapid response and more back-up responses for problems when they arise,” he said.
Mr Henry says the current Montara oil leak highlights the need for increased protection of marine environments off the north-west coast.
“There should be a moratorium on oil and gas in those Commonwealth waters until the proper marine conservation plans are in place,” he said.
“So let’s just slow down, let’s get those in place.”